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It’s possible to take a screenshot on the Apple TV (4th-generation) or even record a video, but it requires a Mac and a cable to plug into the USB-C port on the Apple TV. Here’s how…

To Take a Screenshot of the Apple TV:

  1. Install Xcode (free) from the Mac App Store.
  2. Connect a Mac to USB-C port on the back of the Apple TV. (The Apple TV must also be connected to a TV or display via HDMI.)
  3. On the Mac, launch Xcode.
  4. Choose Window > Devices.
  5. In the Devices list, select the Apple TV.
  6. Click the Take Screenshot button. (The screenshot will be saved to the Desktop.)

    Click the Take Screenshot button in Xcode

To Record a Video of the Apple TV:

  1. Connect a Mac to USB-C port on the back of the Apple TV. (The Apple TV must also be connected to a TV or display via HDMI.)
  2. On the Mac, launch QuickTime Player.
  3. Choose File > New Movie Recording.
  4. Next to the red dot record button, click the Down Arrow and choose the following:

    Video Capture Options in QuickTime Player

    • Under Camera, choose Apple TV to capture video.
    • Under Microphone, choose Apple TV to capture audio.
    • Under Quality, choose Maximum or High. (The only difference I could find is Maximum captures audio as Linear PCM, whereas High captures as AAC.)
  5. When ready, click the red dot record button to start recording. (DRM-protected content will be blacked out, so you won’t be able to capture it.)

Video Showing the Techniques Described Above

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