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I like the new dark mode in macOS Mojave, but sometimes I need to switch back to light mode. I wanted a faster way than having to go into System Preferences. While looking for an answer, I came across a simple AppleScript that I want to share with everyone. Don’t worry if you’ve never even used and AppleScript before, this is easy to use and you don’t have to understand anything about AppleScript!

The Dark & Light Mode Switcher AppleScript

In case you don’t know, an AppleScript is a file that uses AppleScript code to automate something on our mac. Each time you run this AppleScript, it toggles between Light and Dark modes. Here’s the code if your interested, otherwise, continue with the instructions below.

tell application "System Events"
    tell appearance preferences
        set dark mode to not dark mode
    end tell
end tell

Get The Script & Unzip it

Download the AppleScript


  1. Launch the Script Editor app (found in Applications > Utilities).
  2. In the Script Editor app go into the Script Editor menu and choose Preferences.
  3. In the General section check on Show Script menu in menu bar.
  4. Quit the Script Editor app.
  5. In the menu bar, click the script icon and choose Open Scripts Folder > Open User Scripts Folder.
  6. Drag the script you downloaded (Dark & Light Mode Switcher.scpt) into the Scripts folder that opened.

Using the AppleScript

In the menu bar, click the script icon and choose Dark & Light Mode Switcher.

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Tags: macOS Mojave Apple Mac Video

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