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In CC 2017, Adobe completely redesigned Photoshop’s File > New dialog, but it’s slow to open and not as nice to use. The useless thumbnails are large, while the written specs (which are the most important thing) are smaller and harder to scan.

Photoshop CC 2017 New Document Dialog

Luckily there’s a way to get the previous dialog back! (This also works in Adobe Illustrator.)

  1. In Photoshop, go into Photoshop CC > Preferences > General (Mac) or Edit > Preferences > General (Windows).
  2. Check on Use Legacy “New Document” Interface.
  3. Click OK.

Now you’ll have the faster (and easier to use) dialog found in previous versions of Photoshop. Hopefully Adobe will fix the speed and usability issues of the redesigned dialog.

Photoshop CC 2017 Legacy Document Dialog

If you want to see it in action, check out my YouTube video:

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Tags: Adobe Photoshop Adobe Video

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