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Last month Lux (the makers of Halide, an iPhone/iPad camera app) published an interesting article “iPhone 13 Pro: The Edge of Intelligent Photography”

iPhone 13 Pro is a big shift in iPhone photography. Not only are the cameras all upgraded in significant ways, but Apple’s adaptive, clever computational smarts have never been so powerful. Touching every aspect of the photographic experience, you might be surprised to at times become aware of its power and limitations alike.

The article is an interesting read with many example photos, from someone with an insight into photography that most people don’t have.

As the makers of a camera app, we tend to take a longer look at these upgrades. Where other reviews might come out immediately and offer a quick impression, we spend a lot of time testing it before coming to our verdict.

iPhone 13 Pro compared to iPhone 11 Pro (and iPhone 6)

I’m currently using an iPhone 11 Pro, but I helped my parents upgrade their old iPhone 6 to an iPhone 13 Pro. They are not power users by any means, but because they keep their phone for so long, they wanted the better camera (with 3 zoom levels), so it was worth spending the extra money on the higher-end phone.

As I was setting up their phones, I wanted to test out the new camera, thinking it would probably be a bit better than my iPhone 11 Pro. The thing that most amazed me immediately was the new Macro mode. Wow does it get close and show an amazing amount of detail! You can be a fraction of an inch from someone and take a photo that’s in focus. It was catching paper texture and fibers in cloth. I was amazed.

Noticeably Better FaceTime

The first time I FaceTimed my mother’s new iPhone 13 Pro, I could immediately notice the vast improvement in quality. I know it’s comparing an iPhone 6 to a 13 Pro, but wow was it a shocking improvement.

I point this out because one year’s improvements may seem small, but the cumulative yearly improvements can add up to a major improvement for those who skip several generations of phones.

Go Read The Article

I hope you enjoy reading “iPhone 13 Pro: The Edge of Intelligent Photography”.

Tags: Apple iOS iPhone iPhone 13 Pro Photography

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